JLPT N1 Preparation Course

JLPT N1 Course Objective

JLPT N1 is a level in the Japanese language that enables the user to understand challenging situations,  combine phrases and frame long sentences, and also grasp the implicit meaning.

JLPT N1 course covers the right usage of grammatical patterns and appropriate compounding of kanjis (Approx. 2000)

JLPT N1 course aims to cover the curriculum of the JLPT N1 Exam which helps participants to appear for the certification examination.

Can use the language effectively and flexibly in his/her social and professional life or training and studies.

What do you learn in JLPT N1 Course?

  • One can read writings with logical complexity and/or abstract writings on a variety of topics, such as newspaper editorials and critiques, and comprehend both their structures and contents.
  • One is also able to read written materials with profound contents on various topics and follow their narratives as well as understand the intent of the writers comprehensively.
  • One can comprehend orally presented materials such as coherent conversations, news reports, and lectures, spoken at natural speed in a broad variety of settings, and can follow their ideas and comprehend their contents comprehensively. One is also able to understand the details of the presented materials such as the relationships among the people involved, the logical structures, and the essential points.
  • Be equipped for JLPT N2 exams

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  • N2

    Should have cleared JLPT N2

Additionally, You Will Learn
  • Introduction to Interpretation and Technical Translation techniques
  • Introduction to Japanese Working culture
  • Japanese newspaper reading
  • Brief Introduction to India Japan Economic Relation


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All Fields are mandatory*